MGL Avionics Product Support

Welcome to the Support Portal

We are here to assist you! if you are in need of support we ask that you please use this portal.

  1. Please check the knowledge base articles, we will continue post articles to common support topics.
  2. The MGL Community Forum is also a great resource that is monitored by MGL Avionics. 
  3. If you do not find what you are looking for please submit a ticket by using the link at the bottom of the page.
  4. For any warranty concerns again please submit a ticket by using the link at the bottom of the page. 

The ticket system is how we can best support you. By submitting a ticket you concern is documented andwill allow any of our support agents to pick up where the other left off. Call in and email support is much harder to keep track of. 

Thank You For Choosing Us To Equip Your Airplane!
    • Popular Articles

    • Free Database Updates

      NOTICE 08/30/2021 - ATTENTION MGL CUSTOMERS: Michigan Avionics is excited to announce that the US Navidata is once again being updated and is available for download! Also, the FAA has recently started publishing VFR sectionals on a 56-day basis ...
    • Can I shorten the GPS Antenna cable?

      The GPS Antenna coax cable must not be cut short. This is due to the fact that the GPS receiver inside the EFIS is tuned for the length of coax cable included. This applies to the GPS antenna included with the XTreme, Enigma, Odyssey, Voyager and ...
    • iEFIS and iBox User and Installation Manuals

      The iEFIS and iBox Installation, Navigation and User Manuals are attached
    • VDO Oil Pressure Sender Settings and Wiring

      Attached are settings and wiring connections for the commonly-used VDO Oil Pressure Sender. This can be used to help if you are experiencing problems or if you suspect your oil pressure sender is reading incorrectly. Remember to follow tthese 3 Steps ...
    • Setting up an MGL V16 with an audio Panel

      There are some common issues our customers run into when hooking the V16 up to an audio panel. This video will explain some of these common pitfalls and how to overcome them.

    Join The MGL Community

    The MGL User managed forum is a great resource to help you with your MGL Avionics.
    • Search the forum to find answers to your questions.
    • Interact with those who use the equipment on their own airplanes.
    • This forum is actively monitored by MGL Avionics.

      Important Notice!

      You must make your own determination if the products sold by MGL Avionics are safe and effective for your intended applications. MGL Avionics makes no representations or warranties as to either the suitability of any of the products we sell as to your particular application or the compatibility of any of the products we sell with other products you may buy from us or anywhere else, and we disclaim any warranties or representations that may otherwise arise by law. Also, we offer no specific advice on how to install any of the products we sell other than passing along anything that may have been provided to us by the manufacturer or other users. If you are in need of further information or guidance, please turn to the manufacturer, FAA Advisory Circulars and guidance materials, the Experimental Aircraft Association, or other reputable sources. Our lawyers say we cannot give specific advice on installing any products, however, we can provide general knowledge advice and we can pass along information that has been shared with us by other users of these products.  We take customer care seriously and endeavor to help all of our customers in the best possible manner!