iEFIS-Lite to V16 RS-232 Connection Diagram

iEFIS-Lite to V16 RS-232 Connection Diagram

Below is the connection diagram diagram for the iEFIS-Lite to V16 Com Radio. You can use either RS-232 Port 1 OR RS-232 Port 2 on the iEFIS-Lite (Discovery-Lite, Explorer-Lite, Challenger-Lite). You can also use any of the RS-232 Ports on the iEFIS Extender, if connected.

  • Connect either RS-232 Port on the iEFIS-Lite or iEFIS Extender to the RS-232 Port on the V16 Remote Com (Not the optional Razor/Vega Control Head that can be connected to the V16 Com via CAN)
  • Remember that with RS-232 RX on the Lite goes to TX on the Radio and TX on the Lite goes to RX on the Radio
  • Example below shows connection to RS-232 Port 1 on the iEFIS-Lite

When connecting the V16 to the iEFIS Lite you can also connect the EFIS Audio alert output (pin 3 on Power Connector) to the AUX Primary Audio Input (pin 20 on the V16 Radio), to have voice alerts through your headset from the iEFIS. It is recommended that you run this through a panel switch so that you can turn off audio and voice alerts if they become too intrusive.


To Setup the V16 Com Radio on the iEFIS-Lite, first setup MGL NAV/COM 1 radio on the correct serial port in MENU > SYSTEM SETUP MENU > SERIAL PORT ROUTING/ALLOCATIONS:


Then, exit setup to save settings and then restart the system (turn power off and on again). Restarts are required between RS-232 allocation changes.

You can verify bidirectional communications by changing the frequency on the radio and watching it change on the EFIS radio indication, and vice versa:

Once connected and operating you can click the arrow on the Radio Status Display and it will open the keypad which has a button to setup the radio:

Note that when the radio control keypad is open the knobs on the EFIS can control various functions:

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